Electronics Made Easy Unleash your inner innovator

Electronics Made Easy Unleash Your Inner Innovator



Through this course, students will be taught how they can design their very own electronic projects from scratch by first learning the fundamentals of electronics and prototyping, as well as familiarizing themselves with the components commonly used in toys and mobile devices such as Breadboards, Resistors, LEDs, Transistors, Buzzers and IC Chips.

Lessons will be conducted through fun-filled activities and there will be take-home assignments to enable students to grasp new concepts easily. Besides developing critical thinking skills, this will also give them a great sense of achievement once they discover how to bring ideas to life by applying what they have learned to create more sophisticated inventions.

This is definitely the course for all who wish to embark on the journey towards becoming a great inventor!

Duration: 5 sessions, 2 hours each. Total 10 hours.

Introduction to Electronics PrototypingUnderstand the fundamentals of electronics & prototyping Design.
Project: Design your own Morse Code kit.
Introduction to Light Sensors & TransistorsUnderstand the use of sensors in everyday life.
Project: Design your own automated night lamp.
Introduction to RGB LED Lighting TechnologyLearn how to make various colors with RGB Mood Lamp.
Project: Design your own colorful Mood Lamp.
Introduction to ATTINY85Learn the basic use of programmable IC chips in toys.
Project: Design your Melody Player.
Introduction to MotorsLearn about IC chips.
Project: Design your own motor controller.

For more enquiries, contact us at +65 66854663